The NDDOT proposed a Minor Rehabilitation project on ND Highway 21 from the junction of US85 to the north junction of ND22 near New England. Brosz utilized flown data provided by the NDDOT to complete the ground survey that included a 90-1 survey, topographic survey, and DTM surface data survey. The team established ground control, located PLSS corners, and defined the existing alignments. Next, the surveyors also located underground utilities, completed a hydraulic survey, performed ground truthing, established the existing R/W boundary, collected “voids,” and performed “whatiz” verification.
Upon finalizing data collection, the Brosz team assembled and submitted a complete and accurate survey submittal on time and within budget. Included in the submittal were ground truthing data, coordinate data, a control and R/W boundary MicroStation file, the GPK file, Trimble data files, a Field Book, 90-1 forms, and hydraulic survey data.