NDDOT US12 Bowman Municipal Section

BOWMAN, NORTH DAKOTA A majority of US Highway 12 in Bowman is a shared corridor with US Highway 85. There is a noticeable increase in traffic, specifically truck traffic, on the segment of US12 that is shared with US85. Construction on US12 in Bowman improved the structural integrity of the roadway. The roadway received a […]
Adams County, Overhead Road

ADAMS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA This 8.5-mile project consisted of sliver widening, full-depth reclamation, subgrade repair, culvert extensions, and a double chip seal coat application. This roadway is a main farm-to-market route for local residents and area producers. It also provides access to North Lemmon Lake. The wider road and new surfacing provide a major improvement […]
Meade County, Erickson Ranch Road

MEADE COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA The project involved the reconstruction of 3.4 miles of roadway and 1.5 miles of asphalt overlay of the existing road alignment from Peaceful Pines to Elk Creek Road. The overall goal of the project was to improve the driving surface and extend its useful life. The improvement project stabilized the base […]
McKenzie County, ETA Roads 2019 & 2020

MCKENZIE COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA McKenzie County retained Brosz Engineering to perform professional design engineering for several roads located within the City of Watford City’s Extra Territorial Area (ETA). The county’s goal for the project was to improve the proposed roads. Then, ownership could be transferred over to Watford City for future maintenance and improvements as […]
McKenzie County, Route 37 & 125th Ave Reconstruction

MCKENZIE COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA McKenzie County is located in western North Dakota in the heart of the Williston Basin. Due to oilfield activity and heavy truck traffic, ongoing road construction is essential to the thriving community. Roads in this western North Dakota county were not originally built to accommodate increasing truck traffic and heavy loads. […]
MHA BIA 18 Reconstruction

3 MILES WEST OF WHITE SHIELD, MCCLEAN COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA The Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation (MHA Nation) is located on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in central North Dakota. BIA Highway 18 near White Shield is a 12-mile paved loop road that provides access to Lake Sakakawea and several homes, farms, and ranches. This […]
NDDOT ND22 Minor Rehabilitation

IN ADAMS & HETTINGER COUNTIES, NORTH DAKOTA A major north-south highway in western North Dakota, the rural roadway travels from the South Dakota border and ends at ND23 in McKenzie County. This existing section in Adams and Hettinger Counties was narrow and in need of repair. The 31-mile ND Highway 22 Minor Rehabilitation project began […]
Slope County, 140th Avenue Reconstruction

SLOPE COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA Slope County reconstructed six miles of 140th Avenue SW, a County Major Collector (CMC), 2 miles east of Amidon. The vertical alignment design improved sight distance and met a 55-mph design speed. In addition, the engineering team conducted a full hydraulic analysis, and the design included all centerline and approach culverts […]
ND23A Reconstruction

WATFORD CITY, NORTH DAKOTA The project for ND Highway 23A in Watford City from Jct US 85B to ND 23B included widening the existing two-lane roadway to a three-lane section with a center turn lane and right turn lanes at warranted intersections. A 10’ wide concrete shared use path, curb & gutter, lighting, storm sewer, […]
ND23A New Roundabout

WATFORD CITY, NORTH DAKOTA The ND23A New Roundabout project located at the intersection of ND23 & 12th Street SE consisted of replacing a radial t-intersection with a concrete roundabout. The project installed a 10′ wide concrete shared-use path, curb and gutter, lighting, and stormwater improvements. Roundabouts continue to improve the safety of the traveling public […]