Hettinger County, Bentley Bridge Replacement

HETTINGER COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA Hettinger County project BRC-2141(001), PCN 22368 consists of the removal of Structure No. 21-141-20.0, the installation of a new 30’-6” x 189’-0” 3-span bridge, and 0.53 miles of roadway realignment 1.2 miles north of Bentley. Based on recent inspection reports, the bridge required repair to the abutments and piers which would […]
NDDOT US12 Bowman Municipal Section

BOWMAN, NORTH DAKOTA A majority of US Highway 12 in Bowman is a shared corridor with US Highway 85. There is a noticeable increase in traffic, specifically truck traffic, on the segment of US12 that is shared with US85. Construction on US12 in Bowman improved the structural integrity of the roadway. The roadway received a […]
Town of McIntosh, Water Distribution System Improvements

MCINTOSH, SOUTH DAKOTA The Town of McIntosh is in the boundaries of the Standing Rock Indian Reservation and is also the county seat for Corson County. In 2006, a fire destroyed the county courthouse along with all of the infrastructure maps for the community. Then in 2014, all of the institutional knowledge of the water […]
Snoma Road Box Culvert Replacement

BUTTE COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA Spanning Maloney Creek in Butte County, the Snoma Road Box Culvert project was awarded funding for replacement through the SD Bridge Improvement Grant program. The existing structure was demolished and replaced with a cast-in-place reinforced concrete box culvert which consists of three 10-foot wide by 5-foot tall cells. The design also […]
City of Belle Fourche, Lawrence Street Reconstruction

BELLE FOURCHE, SOUTH DAKOTA Lawrence Street was originally constructed in the 1930’s. The original design consisted of an 8” reinforced concrete pavement (wire mesh reinforcement) with monolithic low back profile curb and gutter. The road received an approximate 2” asphalt overlay at one time. Overall, the surface condition of the asphalt, concrete below the asphalt […]
Adams County, Overhead Road

ADAMS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA This 8.5-mile project consisted of sliver widening, full-depth reclamation, subgrade repair, culvert extensions, and a double chip seal coat application. This roadway is a main farm-to-market route for local residents and area producers. It also provides access to North Lemmon Lake. The wider road and new surfacing provide a major improvement […]
SDDOT & City of Sioux Falls, 41st Street Construction Surveying

SIOUX FALLS, SOUTH DAKOTA The SDDOT and the City of Sioux Falls are partnering to construct a new diverging diamond interchange at the busiest intersection in the state. This $40 million, 2-year construction project will improve safety and enhance traffic operations at the intersection of 41st Street and I-29. Construction began in early 2022 and […]
RCWD & City of Geddes, Assumption

GEDDES, SOUTH DAKOTA Like many smaller communities, the City of Geddes faced serious concerns with their water distribution infrastructure systems. Lack of a certified operator and the immediate need of a new water tower made operating their water system difficult. The City constantly suffered from poor water pressures and lack of sufficient storage. Through a […]
Meade County, Erickson Ranch Road

MEADE COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA The project involved the reconstruction of 3.4 miles of roadway and 1.5 miles of asphalt overlay of the existing road alignment from Peaceful Pines to Elk Creek Road. The overall goal of the project was to improve the driving surface and extend its useful life. The improvement project stabilized the base […]
Argentine Road Bridge Replacement

FALL RIVER COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA The Argentine Road Bridge Reconstruction project is located northwest of Edgemont, South Dakota, near Burdock in Fall River County. Spanning Beaver Creek, the original structure was aging and in need of replacement. As a result, the project was awarded funding for replacement through the SD Bridge Improvement Grant program. The […]