SDDOT SD28 Shoulder, Surfacing, Pipe & Structure Work, Construction Engineering
HAMLIN COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA The South Dakota Department of Transportation engaged an engineering firm to

SDDOT Center Street Structure Replacement
MADISON, SOUTH DAKOTA Spanning across Park Creek along Center Street in Madison, SD, this box

SDDOT Garfield Avenue Bridge Reconstruction
MADISON, SOUTH DAKOTA Crossing Park Creek along Garfield Avenue in Madison, SD, this bridge project

SDDOT US Hwy 183 Cold Milling, Reclamation & Resurfacing
TRIPP COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA US Highway 183 is a major north-south highway that runs through

NDDOT I-94 Slurry and Sand Seal, Construction Engineering
NEAR DICKINSON, NORTH DAKOTA The NDDOT Dickinson District repaired 35 miles of roadway on Interstate

SDDOT US212 Shoulder, Surfacing, Pipe & Structures
FAULK COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA Passing through Gettysburg, Seneca, and Faulkton, this US highway improvement provided

Mosher Road Bridge Replacement
GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA The team recently completed construction on this bridge replacement project

Sanborn Boulevard, Phase 3 Utility & Street Improvements
MITCHELL, SOUTH DAKOTA The City of Mitchell recently completed the Sanborn Boulevard Utility and Street

ND58 Reconstruction
MCKENZIE & WILLIAMS COUNTIES, NORTH DAKOTA Due to the aging infrastructure and high truck traffic,