City of Avon, Main Street Reconstruction

AVON, SOUTH DAKOTA Located in Bon Homme County, Avon comfortably lies between several small to medium-sized cities and has been working to revitalize its Main Street. After several planning meetings, Brosz Engineering assisted the City of Avon and Planning and Development District 3 with the successful application of $766,000 in grant funds for the construction […]
SD38 Bridge Replacement, Construction Surveying & Staking

MCCOOK COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA The SDDOT began construction on a new bridge on SD Highway 38, located 1.5 miles west of Salem. Specifically, the project includes removal of the existing bridge and construction of a new 226-foot structure, resurfacing at the bridge ends, and guardrail installation. Grangaard Construction of Watertown was selected as the prime […]
SDDOT SD28 Shoulder, Surfacing, Pipe & Structure Work, Construction Engineering

HAMLIN COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA The South Dakota Department of Transportation engaged an engineering firm to perform contract administration, construction inspection, and materials acceptance services for the SD28 Shoulder Widening project from the US81 junction west 11.1 miles through Lake Norden, SD. This highway improvement project will provide an improved roadway with wider shoulders to accommodate […]
Whitewood Valley Road Bridge Replacement

LAWRENCE COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA Whitewood Creek flows from its headwaters south of Deadwood to its confluence with the Belle Fourche River. As such, this mountain streams runs northeast of the City of Whitewood. Located in the heart of Lawrence County, this structure crosses the creek near the City. The existing structure was a 186’ five-span continuous […]
City of Baker, Montana Avenue Water Main Replacement

BAKER, MONTANA The City of Baker hired Brosz Engineering to survey and design a 20-block water main replacement project within Main Street and Montana Avenue. The City obtained funding from the State of Montana TSEP and DLA Grants with a loan to fulfill the balance. The Montana Avenue water main is the mainline within the […]
Jennings Avenue Bridge Replacement

HOT SPRINGS, SOUTH DAKOTA Jennings Avenue serves as a connector roadway to the historic Main Street in Hot Springs. Spanning the scenic Fall River, the existing 1934 bridge required replacement due to significant deterioration and aging. With funding attained through the South Dakota Bridge Improvement Grant program, the City hired Brosz to complete the environmental […]
Fox Hills Village, Lot 18 Residential Development

WATFORD CITY, NORTH DAKOTA The development on the original Lot 18 of Fox Hills Village is a 32-acre subdivision in eastern Watford City featuring multi-family and single-family development. Brosz amended the existing master plan for the area and performed the preliminary engineering, platting, final engineering, and construction engineering. This included street and lot layout, grading […]
Northern Divide Wind Farm, Construction Survey

BURKE COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA In the summer of 2020, Northern Divide Wind, LLC (a subsidiary of NextEra Energy Resources) was granted approval by the ND Public Service Commission for a new wind farm in Burke County, North Dakota. The wind farm has a capacity of approximately 200 megawatts and consists of 74 wind turbine generators […]
SDDOT GIS Sign Inventory

PIERRE AND RAPID CITY REGIONS, SOUTH DAKOTA Previously, the South Dakota Department of Transportation used mileage reference markers (MRM) to track all sign locations, installations, and replacements. Since GNSS and GPS technology use is increasing throughout the state, the SDDOT decided to switch from MRM to GPS coordinates as part of a signing and delineation […]
SDDOT Center Street Structure Replacement

MADISON, SOUTH DAKOTA Spanning across Park Creek along Center Street in Madison, SD, this box culvert project replaced an aging and deteriorating box culvert structure. With design and funding completed by SDDOT, the Sioux Falls Area SDDOT Office then hired Brosz to provide full construction engineering services. Services included construction administration, construction inspection, materials testing, […]